In Belarus, a publicly accessible art collection hostage in the presidential campaign was. Viktor Babariko, the longtime Director of Belgasprombank, a subsidiary of the Russian Gazprom group, has bought nine years ago at international auctions works by artists with Russian roots, which are not represented in their original home. The focus of the a hundred and fifty Work-strong collection is on the “Paris school” of Jewish artists who were born in Belarus such as Marc Chagall, Chaim Soutine, Ossip Zadkine, Pinchus Kremegne. Add to that those that went to Russia, such as Leon Bakst, or Nikodim Silivanowitsch. Since up to the Second world war, parts of Belarus were part of Poland, but also Polish portraitist of the nineteenth century, such as Józef Oleszkiewicz and Valenti Vankowitsch represented.

Kerstin Holm.

editor in the features section.

F. A. Z.

Babariko, the put the Bank presidency in may down want to in the presidential elections on October 9. August to compete against the long-time President Alexander Lukashenka; he is considered to be the most promising competitor. Last week, he was arrested in the Minsk Palace of arts issued Belgasprombank collection was confiscated. Lukashenka claims that Babariko I want to bring in money and works of art abroad. The Status of the collection is currently unclear, says its curator, Alexander Zimenko produced. The officials, who photographed the works of transportation, had issued to him any certificate.

The gallery, however, remains virtually open, on the walls of Codes, which make the images visible to visitors to hang in place of paintings, empty frames, with the Scan. A masterpiece of 1928, the resulting portrait of a woman, “Eva” by Chaim Soutine, who grew up as the tenth child of a desperately poor flick tailor in the shtetl Smilowitschi in Minsk, where he was beaten for Drawing is. About Vilna, he went to Paris and developed its own expressionism that focuses on the experience of Violence of the creature in the center.