The Online-Voting for the second desire-“crime scene” during the summer break, it came to an unwanted incident. “The Voting has been in Germany since Thursday, 25. June, at 19:00 in the last five hours, unfortunately, externally manipulated,“ said the First on Friday. to get

“a genuine result, we have decided, therefore, only the votes in the final result to include the entered up to this point.” The Austrian votes from the ORF were not affected and, therefore, completely in the result included. From the First it was said: “We will be meeting for the next Voting round, the appropriate security measures.”

As the second request-“crime scene” during the summer break, the year 2017 is shown with the team of investigators from Münster. For the episode “kill shot” with the actors Axel Prahl and Jan Josef Liefers, there was 41.482 votes, as the First told more. Currently, the scene of the crime “-Fans can vote”about which Episode you want to see over the summer on Sundays. The current winner-episode runs on Sunday evening (28. June, 20.15 Clock).