My last encounter with the police is just a couple of weeks. In the middle of the Lockdown, empty Frankfurt airport, hundreds of parents met in a spooky, to take care of their children in reception, after an adventurous return action were expected to be in Terminal 2. Hour after hour passed, but nothing happened, the door at the Gate remained locked. Some of the Waiting let your fury about it, but not to the entrained Teddy bears, but to the police officers. While these indicated the kind words, the scattered group, repeatedly, that this was a special situation within the lock downs, the distance control is nevertheless to be observed and to leave after the reunification of the members of the site in each case speedily was, they were insulted by some of the parents, with increasing sharpness. How ridiculous it was, was there to hear what an unreasonable spoon-feeding, and in what dictatorship looks like you ended up here. On the verbal attacks, the police responded with Serenity and information and also helped to finally happy landing of the children in search of lost pieces of Luggage.

‘m not a COP!

Sandra cone

Responsible editor for the Feuilleton.

F. A. Z.

Who speaks today with police officers, you can get a picture of how large the uncertainty in their ranks now. Such attacks of nervous parents are relatively harmless, if you consider how violence against police officers in this country each year. More than thirty-five thousand cases of attacks against law enforcement officers, the BKA 2019 counted. Who is talking about you?

The order of the Federal Republic of Germany is no longer seen by many already as a friend and helper, rather, it is more than ever under attack. Some of the police officer rates the own children, in the meantime, to take no account later the same profession. Because you feel the bogeyman of society degraded to protect the your order is. Every Situation, every little control is now unpredictable and can escalate, you know, fueled by allegations of a “latent racism” as the last of Saskia esque. The Numbers tell a different story if, for example, according to official data, under the 49000 Federal police officers since 2012, only twenty-five suspected cases with a racist Background are noticed.

racism is everywhere

of Course, can not always stand by the Argument that it is a burden to the force to each other. Racism is in our society everywhere. And so, it is true, if the criminological research Institute of lower Saxony is planning a study to “structures of Prejudice” to the police, the fire Department and the regulatory agencies. The behavior of the German police, however, flat-rate judge, and because it is straight to the world situation fits, with the devastating excesses of American police brutality and equate that misses the reality. Not for nothing, German police officers are trained for much longer and comprehensive than their American counterparts. In the United States each year are shot and killed at least a thousand people of police officers in the service. The service weapons for use by German police led to 2019 to fourteen dead.