to fix

the grievances in the Frankfurt railway station district, the view of health head of Department Stefan Majer (Green) is a Combination of drugs and repressive measures. The Situation in the district is tense and has deteriorated, so it is rated for both Majer and regulatory Affairs, Markus Frank (CDU). Garbage, pollution, open drug use and trafficking, as well as part of the aggressive behavior of homeless people and drug addicts were also a result of the Corona-crisis. “In the station district, much less people in the last few weeks, due to the action rules for the containment of Coronavirus, which are not dependent to the circles of drug dealers, drugs, or homeless,” said Frank at the request of the F. A. Z.. in Front of Corona there had been a corrective of local residents, tourists and business people, had now ceased to exist. “The misery in this quarter occurs in the last few weeks, very much stronger than otherwise in appearance.”

Theresa White

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Catherine Iskandar

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

head of Majer, which is also the drug responsible, the similar. “For the drug addicts, who permanently reside in the station district, this is the place for you, your home, the security that you and you’re holding on to just out of fear of the pandemic. During the lock downs new open spaces in the railway station district opened, which are used by different groups now.“ In addition, since printing rooms and meeting places had to reduce their offer, instead of a more open consumer. “As a Department head, I support you therefore enforce specifically the city and state police, if the for all the citizens of applicable rules in the public space. In the Frankfurt drug policy assistance and Repression must work together,” said Majer, the F. A. Z..

The “Frankfurt way” to hold

is now in the station district, according to Frank intensively controlled. The city is a set for the quarter-highlighted the head of the Department. He sees a solution for the problems in the Department of cross-work through the coordinator of the helping as an interface between the various Offices and authorities, “for example, if an advertising pillar must be added, which has proved to be popular as a drug depot,” as Frank said. In addition, the streets would be cleaned on a regular basis, from the budget there is funding. Also lighting and video surveillance would steadily improved. Furthermore, the city of Munich and Zurich, for advice in order to gather impetus for dealing with the drug addicts.

The “Frankfurt way” had not failed, because both Department heads are in agreement. Frankfurt has succeeded to reduce contrary to the Trend in almost all other cities, the number of drug – related deaths to the level of the mid – nineties, with up to 150 dead in the year to 20 to 30 Dead. This way you will go further, said Majer: “We will expand the low-threshold Substitution close to the station.” Also the heroin-assisted treatment should be expanded. To isolate the drug addicts in a consumer area, however, is inhumane.