in Bavaria, the Prime Minister, Markus Söder (CSU) warns of a second Corona-shaft. “We really need to see,” he said in a on Saturday released a video message. “We can’t risk that we will get even faster than feared, before the fall, a second wave, a creeping wave, and everywhere regional Lockdowns get.” In the past week, an incredible amount has happened”,” he said with a view to outbreaks in the district of Gütersloh, in lower Saxony or Berlin. Therefore it is inappropriate to argue about “whether these measures are too much or too little” – but you must act “and to decide”.

Bayern have decided that tourists from high-risk areas in Bavarian Hotels are allowed to stay – but only with a negative Corona Test. Bavaria was thus “a pioneer in Germany”. Those who have a negative Test, was in the free state vacation, all the others should rest a bit first, for once. “I do not begrudge’ all your vacation” said Söder. But even there, you should be careful. “Corona remains fatal.”

just in Time for the start of the holidays in the most populous state of North Rhine-Westphalia, had decided the chief of the Federal Chancellery and the heads of state and Senate chancelleries of the Länder on Friday this path as a single action.

travelers from a group with high infection happen may only be housed in Hotels and apartments or without a quarantine measure in a country if you can prove with a medical certificate, that you have no infection.