The bankruptcy petition of the German payment processor, Wirecard, on Thursday, the 15 creditor banks continue to be for Irritation. From Bank circles, it is said to the F. A. Z., Wirecards lender would have offered that to the lack of the opinion of the auditor at the end of June-cancellable line of credit of about 1.85 billion euros to 30. To extend the month of September.

Markus Frühauf

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Hanno Mußler

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

Henning Peitsmeier

economic correspondent in Munich.

F. A. Z.

“Then the pressure of the due dates for Wirecard would have been first out,” said a Participant of the F. A. Z. As a condition for the extended loans had amazing, some of the Bank consortium that Wirecard instructs an appraiser, created by the end of September, a restructuring concept.

The Bank’s representative called it “a legend” that Wirecard had informed the creditor banks that the company can not pay to have the salaries of the employees for June. Rather, Wirecard’ve never asked for new money, but the impression that there is money to be enough.

criticism of the Bafin

While in Munich, the bare economic existence, wins dieKritik the failure of the financial Supervisory authority Bafin in the case of Wirecard sharpness.Hard to the court with the Bafin, the former financial policy spokesman of the Greens in the Bundestag goes, Gerhard Schick, the is turning since July 2018 Board of Directors of the citizens ‘ movement Financial. “The Bafin has not only come to little. Where she acted, she was on the wrong side: she has those displayed evidence of irregularities, instead of the allegations, thoroughly investigate,” he said at the request of the F. A. Z.

This reminds Chic of the display of the Bafin in the spring of 2019, among other things, against journalists of the British business newspaper “Financial Times”, which had first reported about the allegations of balance sheet manipulation. Chic citizen movement, proposes to oversee a large international payment service provider in the future by the European Central Bank (ECB). So the scheme was, it has long been in the case of large banks.

in addition, Schick calls for a complete restart of the Bafin. “As so often in the past, had an understanding of the supervision, also in this case, a false self. It is always searched hard for an excuse why it was not responsible“, reminiscent of the Chic of earlier cases, such as, for example, the collapse of the Container lessor’s P&R, the more than 50,000 investors had entrusted to 3 billion euros. Also in this bankruptcy case, Michael Jaffé, has been the appointed insolvency administrator.

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in the opinion of Schick anumber of oversight of existing Inspection measures in a comprehensive and gaps in the Supervisory framework clues – and “please don’t, only when it is too late”. With a view to Wirecard he criticised the Bafin, because you have used formalist only in their respective specific responsibilities, for the deutsche Bank subsidiary, instead of the development of this great digital financial group with extensive supervision needs.