You do not need to look far to strengthen the impression: Without a Smartphone, nothing more is running in Germany. The love for the device, there is little doubt, but the question is: Come the Germans no longer arises even without?

Thiemo Heeg

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

not at all: Two out of three German citizens say, a week or even, more generally, on the Smartphone or waive to. 28 percent could do according to their own information up to four weeks without the device, an additional 15 percent for five to twelve weeks. 22% could even do without the General. The but corresponds roughly to the share of the Germans, who have no Internet-capable mobile phone. 32 percent hold of the mobile Computer is essential.

that 84 percent of the German “Onliner”

a Little different is the rates to see when it comes to the Internet in General. Here are two of three that can, in principle, not to use the network without. Especially the 16 – to 29-Year-olds are overwhelmingly – 86 percent – of this view. In the group of 30 – to 49-Year-olds, the proportion is 83 percent, the 50 – to 64-Year-olds come to 73 percent Verzichter. Only the elderly aged 65 years and over are significantly less online need: Here, 31 percent say, in General, a Internet to want to use renounce. A total of 84 percent of the German “Internet users” are, so they have used the Internet in the past three months.

all of This emerges from a representative survey of 1003 people (aged 16 years) in Germany, carried out by the digital Association Bitkom in April. The question, to refrain from what the respondents in terms of climate protection would be available and for how long. Also, the virtual sphere contributes, finally, to real to global warming. According to a may study of the climate impact of the digitization of 1.8 to 3.2 percent of the global emissions of greenhouse gases to the production and operation of digital devices and infrastructures are due.

Streaming could be. every Second

with a view on the power consumption of the climate-critical applications The harm, however, depends largely on which device you look at movies, and in what quality. So video streaming on the Smartphone or the tablet computer in a relatively low SD required-resolution-per-hour, 65, or 75 watt-hours of energy, according to an output of 30 to 35 grams of CO2. That is less, than for the classic television or play a DVD on a 50-inch flat-screen TV are incurred, estimates of Bitkom. You can stream a Video in 8K quality on a 65-inch device, drying the energy needed to 1860 watt-hours (880 grams of CO2) to the top.

Streaming has now arrived in the mass market: Eight out of ten Internet users look after their own information, and video streams. The Corona-crisis has promoted the business of providers such as Netflix, Amazon Prime or Youtube. In spite of the high user rate, only every Fourth is, not on Streaming without. More than half said, however, to be able to manage without them.