for the First time, it will be in the state of Hesse in this summer open-air cinema, especially in the rural areas. For a total of 75,000 euros are now available of funding. Already in July, Arthouse films and audience favorites are in public places and in Parks shown according to the currently in the state of Hesse in force, distance and hygiene rules a maximum of 250 spectators per performance, with distance and five square metres of space per visitor.

especially in places without their own cinema so the summer movie program will be offered. The municipalities involved will, in addition, donated money, personnel and technology, as well as the program will be organized with the best possible local and regional cinemas, which are to benefit thereby. Possible to the program, so Erwin Heberling, head of Film and cinema office of Hessen, based in Frankfurt will, because the funding of the new Initiative wall cinema of the Hessen Film and media GmbH be redeployed for this summer due to the Corona pandemic.

Instead of to be loaded as planned in municipalities without their own cinema halls with a mobile offering, is now available in an open-air cinema. With the 50,000 Euro from this program, a “cinema summer plus emerging,” said Heberling. The Film and cinema office has for this year, his 19. “Cinema summer of Hesse” is scheduled to be the 25,000 Euro funding around 40 open-air events from June to September each year in the state of Hesse held. The principle is now to be extended, the program coordinates the Film and cinema office. “We want to offer it this year at as many dates as many municipalities,” said Heberling.