The economic affairs Committee of the Senate did not wait for September. Its members have presented as early as this Wednesday, their own recovery plan, when the executive board still on its copy, which will be the subject of a fourth amending budget for 2020 at the end of August. The parliamentarians wish to return to growth as the shock of the Coronavirus has challenged, but also modernise the economic activity hex to make it more sustainable and more competitive.

In its broad strokes, the plan of the senate does not distance himself from the first intuitions of the government. On the menu: support for business investment, relocation of the production of the critical sectors, strengthening the control of foreign investments, décarbonation of the economy, support the inclusion of young people, via “a measure of exemption of charges for a hiring in the first CDI, as well as a broader support to the learning, co-construction of the raise with the european Union…

It diverges on the question of the revival by the application, the senators suggesting “a temporary reduction of VAT in certain sectors particularly affected”. The parliamentarians also express themselves clearly in favour of a tax reduction of production, a point defended by Bercy but not yet decided on the side of the Elysium.

“Déjacobiniser” France

On the bottom, these local politicians are distinguishable, especially the first recommendations to the government by their desire to associate the whole of the territories to the decision-making. “Before the emergency, the State has more often acted alone and without consultation,” critique and the report. In his last speech, the president promised again to launch a new act of decentralization. Without developing its options for reform.

To the senators of the first responses would be to “stop continually compress the financial assistance which the local authorities are entitled to”.”We offer a recovery partnership between the State, Europe and local and regional authorities, ” says Sophie Primas, senator LR of the Yvelines department, and chair of the economic affairs Committee.

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