On the German count. For example, Sabine and Bastian from Fürstenfeldbruck. The stay in your hotel in settequerce (Italian Settequerce), close to Bolzano, had you booked for April. “Right from the start Radlsaison,” says Sabine, who seems to radiate always in a good mood. Cycling in the spring in South Tyrol make the two for the past four years.

Matthias Rüb

Political correspondent for Italy, the Vatican, Albania and Malta, based in Rome.

F. A. Z.

But in April was closed to the Napura Art & Design Hotel in Siebeneich. At that time, closed because of the Corona pandemic in South Tyrol and in Italy, actually. A formal Border closure was not, however. With the car you could also enter during a Lockdown and Shutdown to Italy, if it did not allow the Austrians, the Swiss, the French and the Slovenes. Just one needed in Italy itself, a so-called self-empowerment, according to which the change in location for professional or health reasons is essential. Travelling for recreational purposes were not reasons to the necessary Exception and were banned.

since the 3. June different: The full freedom of movement throughout the country is restored. Italy is again “opened”, also for international tourism. Many Hotels and Restaurants, however, are closed still, because the operators know whether any guests are coming and whether you can operate under the constraints of the Hygiene – and-distance regulations their facilities profitably.

The Invasion of German is highly desirable

The Napura Hotel in settequerce, a three-storey building with 40 rooms in the middle of Apple orchards since the 18th century. June re-opened. Among the first guests on the first day – almost all German – Sabine and Bastian from Fürstenfeldbruck. Of the Cycling of the past few days, you are thrilled: bright sun, summer temperatures, less activity than usual on the famous Bicycle path between Bolzano and Merano, on the banks of the Adige river, as well as on the other routes.

That you have to wear in the Hotel disposable plastic gloves and mouth-nose protection when you serve on the Breakfast buffet, don’t mind. The relevant rules for the fight against the Coronavirus is from the you know from home. South Tyrol with view to a possible infection is certainly not more dangerous than Bayern, they say. But from an originally planned trip to Salò on lake Garda you have taken a distance: The sun in Lombardy, where the infection numbers in Italy known to be the highest are.

The calendrical beginning of summer with lots of sun and heat, you could see in South Tyrol, such as the informal title of a travel world Champions. The recent Invasion of German is desired by the Tourism sector in Italy, very: It is the total loss of the spring at least partially offset. The Brenner pass and the Brenner motorway are carriers of the tried-and-tested gateways: campers, cars with Bicycle, convertibles with the top down, convoys of motorcycle riders from Germany, held on Saturday at the exit Brixen for the first jam of the season. The operator company of the toll highway reported a increase of Entries to 240 percent compared to the previous weekend.