When the light turns to blue, is the Bank branch a Bank, if it glows red, it is a savings Bank: “financial point” is the Innovation from the Taunus, the common branches of a cooperative Bank and a savings Bank, the daily times by the staff of the a, times by the employees of the other to be occupied.

Christian Siedenbiedel

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

the unusual, the composite cross-cooperation of the Frankfurter Volksbank and the Taunus-Sparkasse has been Developed. Since a half year there is the first branch of this type now in the Taunus Village of Bad Soden-Neuenhain. In an interview with F. A. Z. reports, the two chairmen of the Board, Eva desire to Weber by the people’s Bank, and Oliver Klink of the savings Bank in such issues for a long time encrusted Bank of the world now shows for this model anywhere surprisingly open – and that you are self-driving, the number of joint branches in the Corona-crisis, and even accelerated high want.

Is copied to the model from the Taunus mountains in Japan?

“We are overwhelmed, what is the resonance in the entire banking sector, we have established a national and international shows,” says the CEO of Taunus-Sparkasse. Even the Bank of Japan have asked about the shared Bank branches from the Taunus – finally, there is also in Japan, as in Germany, strong regional Bank networks, for which such shared Bank branches would also be conceivable. In Germany the most recent example was the city of Weiden in upper Palatinate: “that’s Where regional institutions have adopted our concept completely, including Name and appearance, with the treaties, and all regulations, which make such a model antitrust law permitted,” says wish-Weber.

two closer to the Taunus countryside, this Institute belonged to the imitators: Sparkasse Darmstadt, Germany, and the Volksbank Darmstadt-were not the South of Hesse is now following a similar path, even if you take everything completely out of the Taunus. Colleagues from all over Germany were approached to be the role-model-part-time-branch to look at. “We have offered all across Germany, to take advantage of our free model,” says wish-Weber. “We find that this path should make the school.”

customers and employees to take the new type of branch, as far as he could observe, says Klink. Even now, while the Corona-crisis, the financial had been visited-points. You have an extra left open the entire time. The crisis also did not work, the tag affected, on the contrary: in June there should be six new “financial points” until the end of the year should be 26; to part with employees, only with machines. “This is a year faster than originally planned”, says Klink.

requests from mayors

to be politicians, who are always very concerned about possible branch closures in their constituencies, seem to be friends of the new solution. Desire-Weber reported, here and there, there is even the desire, that, in municipalities two financial points instead of one operated should be: “the interest of the local politicians for further financial is available in many towns and cities-points to be big.” Perhaps, many say, also: definitely better than no Bank.