remains Against 19 at Linda hill Erich enters the Lobby of the Bristol Hotels, for a moment and looks around. On the right side of the room, a long, dark table, the ten people sitting, and on a number of different languages entertain. On the table signs with flags. Under the Spanish flag, it says “Let’s talk Spanish”. Speak Spanish – for the twenty-seven year old came in.

next to the front door of Vanessa sitting Chic and Lance Ladon. The two are jointly organizing with Jan Kaiser of the Frankfurt International Meetups, short-IMU, have been held since the 2018 Tuesday in the Bar at the Central railway station nearby Hotels. The above scenes are from the beginning of March, because of the Corona-crisis, the Meeting had a failure since. From Tuesday on, you are supposed to take place now, but again, on a transitional basis, in the beer garden of the restaurant salt of the chamber, in the city centre, each week on Tuesdays from 19 o’clock.

Schick, Erich is on the Hill, welcomes you and accompanies you to the small round table where you paid for Ladon, the two Euro entry fee and the one-time five euros for a clip-on shield. Schick asks you for your name and the languages she speaks, looks up the corresponding small flags from a large folder, and paste them on the hill I clip-on shield. Now it can start.

hill Erich has just returned from a trip to Argentina. “I also wanted to speak in Frankfurt more Spanish,” says the young English teacher. On Facebook she was looking for a tandem partner, i.e. a Spaniard who wants to learn German and who can help her with Spanish. In one of the many groups on Facebook for this, she was able to find. The two met last week in a cafe. “We got along totally well, and we want to meet next week,” she says.