The focus of the Chapter the eighth formation of this report was long before the Corona-pandemic and could still be hardly suitable, because it is about education in a digitized world. As during the school closures has been shown, are not equipped the educational institutions in Germany are technically still far from good enough. “The technology alone is not enough”, the researchers state that the authors group under the leadership of the managing Director of the Leibniz Institute for educational research and information (formerly Dipf), Kai Maaz. “So far, concepts are missing to digital technologies along the entire educational biography didactically meaningful use”. The digital technology is not integrated systematically in the training of the pedagogical staff, which differs according to provinces and sectors of education significantly.

Heike Schmoll

Political correspondent in Berlin, responsible for the “formation of worlds”.

F. A. Z.

so Far, most of the children, young people or adults have, at best, rudimentary digital skills, says the education report. At its weakest, you are in the group of 16 to 65 year-old people, and most of the students in the third year of study.

“The entire teaching staff

to include” leisure time, more and more Students of digital media used, although, if you would, however, be used also for Information and education, depends on the social origin and the age. In the schools the use of digital teaching materials was in the year 2018 is still the exception. More than three-quarters of all eighth graders were in the school less than once a week with digital media for school-related purposes, a sixth to use, even never. In addition to a sufficient technical infrastructure, everything depends on how useful the digital media were used – if only to support traditional forms of learning (e.g., digital texts, or cooperative Learning). Whether the use of digital media to be successful, depends on the attitude of the teachers, the majority were of the opinion that digital media motivated the students, although occasionally, but only a minority felt that learning outcomes could improve or individualised Learning possible.