That it is not a very good idea to try to do it against the columnist Hengameh yaghoobi Farah criminal charges – “as a Federal Minister of the interior” – is Horst Seehofer noticed, apparently, until the day after his Interview in the “image”-newspaper. Because there was the discussion about a hate-filled Text, in which police officers with “waste” can be equated, in the blink of an eye, a debate about the freedom of the press, as their first representative, may feel the columnist of the “taz” now.

Seehofer’s should have the reference to leave, that “a disinhibition of the words” excesses inevitably “to a disinhibition of action and Violence, just as we have it now in Stuttgart, is” lead. The critical reception of the text, not even in trace elements of Satire, was already in progress – even in the “taz” even from your editorial staff internal armed to the column makes no secret.

The editor-in-chief Barbara Young wrote: “A column as satirical as it may be meant that can be understood, as the police officers were nothing more than waste, is gone wrong. The I’m sorry.“ Saskia Hödl, Department head of taz two, held the contrary, you have read the “column as a polemical and satirical, grotesque criticism of a power structure, a monopoly of violence and a series of unexplained and non-prevented murders in Germany. I read it in the context of the current political situation, because: how else would it be?“ You’ll be the “author:”, the Department as well, many of our colleagues also. So lived the press looks for freedom.

At the debate, one is allowed to interfere, of course, the hypocrisy when it comes to moral and the press ethical standards. You would put in the Text to the position of “police officer”, which can be set with waste equal to, other social groups, would be the reaction of those who defend the column, certainly a different. For a “disinhibition of the words”, at such confrontations, again and again, always the other is responsible. And for the “disinhibition of deeds”, of course.