A bigger mess was never. And funnier, too, was seldom in the history of photography as the tableaux of Anna and Bernhard Blume. Plates, vases and kitchen cabinets whirl through the air, on the ground, shards, shards, and broken chairs and in the centre a woman in a floral dress as weightless gliding through the chaos.

Freddy Long

editor in the features section, responsible for the “trip sheet”.

F. A. Z.

the Dada or constructivism? No, would Anna Blume said, a Director, a photographer, and the main person in a personal Union, at the same time, but only half of the most crazy artist Duo knew the Germany, no so, would you have said, here is a little about Religion and a lot to do with psychology. Kitchen psychology, if you want to expand giggling the term, if the “so far good zuhandenen objects”, such as Anna Blume is called to accept the subject character, and in their wild movement is not more show what the “modesty and properly trained” Person is possible. In short: The dead things it in the midst of the bourgeois worlds of life crashing in their place, jug and Cup of “copulate”, before you plunge to the ground, and continued: “What would have tolerated the conscious will never that creates the unconscious Frustration.” Therefore, Anna Blume’s usually wide-eyed. And it gets worse: Because of the fright not to, if “the freaky unconscious” tear the house woman “from the particular to the General,” until you will, for a Moment, to the “saints,” even to the “mother goddess” – notes that Anna Blume in her appearances completely anteilnahmlos from the sheet is read. But it is also the last of the visitors in the flying, white plate falls behind the head, the upside-down detected the Anna the halo.

filling the Space, arranged for Anna and Bernhard Blume, your meter black prints to the Museum of white walls to picture novels, a out-of-Band world, in the things “, so to speak, psychically remote-controlled” set in motion. The viewer is moved so that, as it were, the ground from under the feet. He, too, began to Stagger. And may have like a jug in a dive felt. Bernhard Blume called the “magical determinism”.

The Superego is hovering over the Iche

That objects have lives of their own, out of all the professions, has always been still life. However, rarely been taken literally, as in the work of Blume’s. With “vases-ecstasies” or “kitchen Koller” Mel, the couple as well the Aesthetics of the New objectivity movement, which sought to track down with sober precision, the magic of the world of things, such as the art photography of the seventies and eighties, who wanted to rid themselves with new, oblique perspectives of traditional ways of seeing. At the same time, the two took off for the art theorists, the work by mitlieferten for your actionist Freak out their own interpretations of the same. It was “the Superego over the Iche”, indicated Mrs flower, the image of the floating house wife. Literally, she was thrown “to the height”, but not in the freedom. Because “the earthly violence of the drives is painted as an abstract dress pattern on the body”.

Anna and Bernhard Blume had learned at the beginning of the sixties at the National art Academy in Düsseldorf, to know and to Bernhard Blume’s death in the year 2011gemeinsam as the artists worked. 18. June Anna Blume died in old age at the age of 83 years.