Stuttgart, 21. June. Of competent page will be communicated to The district court of Ravensburg due to the assassination of his father, sentenced to death, Julius cell was done in the morning ½ to 6 p.m. in Ravensburg hung.

For a long time has been the first execution in Germany. The about two years ago by the Imperial government to the provincial governments issued the Request, is not a death sentences, as long as the question of the death penalty was not decided in the new criminal law has been by the judicial administrations of the German Länder regularly followed.

The württemberg government of the Lord Bolz remained reserved to transcend these. And not only about that, not only on the Request of an in office located in the rich Cabinet, but, what is far more embarrassing acts, also on the Request of the criminal law Committee of the German Reichstag yesterday, not least under the influence of a man of the authority of the volksp. Professor Kahl, the recommended württemberg government to take in this case, by the execution of the death sentence spacing.

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Mr. Bolz in Stuttgart has motivated his actions to the fact that the pardon has been advocated by neither side and, consequently, legally not feasible was.

This is a very normal excuse for the loses, moreover, by the fact of weight, that it was initially just a question, not to enforce it until a definitive pardon was given.

It has been looking for the execution to justify, because it had been a particularly nasty murder case. The has not now to do with the question of the enforcement of the death sentence really the Least of to.

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The Unfortunate, hard-to-Tolerable in this case is not only the fact of this single execution, the supporters and opponents of the death penalty, different opinions will be, but especially the fact that in a matter as fundamental as this, as the retention or abolition of the death penalty in the framework of the whole conception of the nature of the penal system, a single German country holds a different opinion from that of all other countries, the obvious enough who do, to recognize that this may really be a matter for the decisions of subordinate instances that, on the contrary, this decision can only be for the Rich themselves.