icons are statues. Unlike the old photos do not show just dead people, but also the importance of this for us today. Each Statue of a former politician, a philosopher, a lords of war says: Look at this people. Otherwise, he would no longer be up there, in the middle of the city, daily greeting, such as the Groundhog. Because the number of such exceptional people is extremely low, you may have extremely high demands on the selection.

Now, a debate on this selection is flared. Activists in America, but also in Europe do you want to win statues. The worst Argument against the claim that there is more important. Of course, there are more important things, but especially Unwichtigeres. The second worst Argument is that icon in the policy be replaced, not a policy. Who have something against racists, had to fight them there, where you drove today up to mischief, instead of bronze images of two hundred years ago vorzuknöpfen. But the one does not exclude the other. Symbols work in a company and their policy. If it were otherwise, you would have no one say a word about head scarves, and knee cases of chancellors would be long forgotten. Unmarried women would still be called miss.

It is so good that statues will be discussed. The question is: what is it and why exactly? All have in common is that they show men who were of the view that today’s critics once racists. The method of the critics come to this result, however, is in many cases as helpful as a pasta strainer when you try to separate Apples from pears.

some activists see in Winston Churchill a racist. In fact, the commented pejoratively about people who looked different, such as Indians and Chinese. Ghandi, he described in 1931 as a “seditious Fakir”, the “over half-naked”; and still in 1955, he held a “Keep Britain White” is a good campaign slogan. The says not only something about Churchill, but also about his time. In the same year, was executed in England for the last Time a woman was hanging; death by the strand.

Churchill it was the only time in his life is to destroy other peoples. Rather, he had a decisive contribution to the fact that Europe was liberated from fascism. A Jahrhunderttat, which says more than many a wrong word.