the house in Göttingen has escalated The situation around a Corona-cases of under-quarantine-standing high on Saturday. A number of residents attacked the police and tried to have a Barrier to break through, such as the Goettingen police President Uwe Lührig on Sunday told journalists. Eight officers were injured, three of which are for the time being, unfit for service.

The complex of buildings, in the officially around 700 people live, was asked on Thursday for an initial seven-day quarantine period. Until Friday, about 120 Corona were infections known.

With stones, sticks and pyrotechnics attacked

On Saturday have exacerbated the situation, according to some of the smaller operations. Forces had been attacked with bottles, stones, metal bars, wooden slats and pyrotechnics, said He. Attempts by residents of, a Barrier erected fence to break through, have been prevented, according to the operations Director Rainer Nolte. At times, nearly 300 officials were therefore in use. The police determined because of severe Trespassing, dangerous bodily injury and property damage.

On Saturday were tested according to a statement from the city, 320 residents of the quarantine complex, the result of which was negative at first, once again, to Corona. Due to a Demonstration in front of the residential complex on the topic of “rent insanity” had been canceled the testing. The Tests should be continued on Sunday. Results are expected on Monday evening.

interruption of infection chains by quarantine apparently

reach the goal of this second test was to enable the quarantine for the residents to loosen, said the göttingen mayor Rolf-Georg Köhler (SPD). From the middle of the residential complex, the current Demonstration, there have been calls that the residents should leave the residence. This was the situation “with a tightened,” said Köhler. Around 200 residents had been involved, the other would have followed the quarantine more.

Koehler admitted that the quarantine was “an infinitely deeper intervention into fundamental rights”. The goal of the chain of Infection in order to interrupt, seem to be have been reached.