“The night is to review the day” : the patrons of nightclubs that are not allowed to re-open their schools before September, because of the pandemic of Covid-19, threatened Saturday to attack this decision to the State Council.

read also : Coronaviruses : for nightclubs, the day without end

Matignon announced in the night from Friday to Saturday, an acceleration of the déconfinement with the reopening Monday of the theatres, holiday centres, casinos or gambling halls and, from 11 July, of the stages with a maximum number of 5000 spectators, but keeps it closed until September, at least, the fairs, exhibitions, trade fairs, nightclubs and cruise maritime international.


“The government signs the death warrant of the clubs”, said Saturday the Union des métiers et des industries de l’hotellerie (UMIH), one of the employers ‘ organisations of the 1,500 clubs in france. “We had to announce a re-opening date for the summer with security protocols, and we got nothing, this is incomprehensible, this is no more dangerous to go dancing than go to the cinema, taking the plane or the train,” said to the AFP Laurent Lutse, president of the UMIH of the branch cafés, brasseries and nightlife.

According to him, “party wild” and private parties “where alcohol flows freely” will “multiply” through the letting of properties turned into “places of cultural ephemera”, without any supervision related to the Covid or consumption of drugs or alcohol, while clubs that have “trained professionals” to handle the overflow on the public highway are “in agony”.

The national Union of discos and places of leisure (SNDLL) is also “protested against the continued closure of the nightclubs”. “Such a measure ignores the guarantees provided by the profession and the real conditions of the functioning of these institutions sanitairement healthier than overflows in all the genres that have currently taking place on the plan festive !”, regretted that other federation professional of the sector. The SNDLL is also said to be “prepared to attack before the council of State the text which confirms the new situation”, while asking, “financial measures is an urgent call for help the only commercial sector as well put the bench to the market economy”.

Approximately 100,000 employees in all

The maintenance of the closure of discotheques during the summer has been decided at a Council of defense and national security Friday. The minister of Health Olivier Veran has noted that the indicators for monitoring the epidemic, “remain overall very well oriented,” but felt that “the vigilance, however, remains strong.”

nightclubs employ 43,000 to employees in France and about 100,000, including the employees of external companies, ensuring the safety, in particular. They make an estimated turnover of one billion euros.

see also – Déconfinement in Europe: Iceland, the first european country to reopen its nightclubs