Gorgeous. The views of the entrepreneur on the terrace of the Royal Yacht Club sweeps the basin over the port. The towers of the banks, glitter in the sun. Not a single cloud in the sky, the waiter gives you. Hong Kong is just the most beautiful place in the world.

Hendrik Ankenbrand

business correspondent for China, based in Shanghai.

F. A. Z.

Only the Clattering of a helicopter of the people’s liberation army to interfere. Every ten minutes the rotor blades in circles through the air. The machine land a few hundred meters to the West, where Carrie Lam’s office, head of government of the special administrative zone in China’s South. “The new masters from Beijing,” says the entrepreneur, when he is again to be understood.

the Gestures of The Makes are new. Hong Kong, found until recently, American think tanks, is the freest place in the world. Here are the judges according to the Constitution, regardless. The press may write what you want. The capital, important for the business people in the Club, may be pushed beyond the island’s borders – and, as it is popular. In mainland China, not everything goes. And that the squad from the helicopter view later in the Club a Drink, is also rather unlikely.

In Hong Kong’s Clubs, the mood is tense

at the end of may came from China’s capital, not a sound is to Hong Kong, but an earthquake. All of a sudden, had been in Beijing that the actually Autonomous city need two thousand kilometers to the South, a national security law. Now shall soon draw for the first Time in the history of Hong Kong agents of the Chinese state security on the island, and citizens arrest.

In Hong Kong Clubs is tense and the mood. Members that invite in the Yacht-Club, ask your guests not to much black to put on: the color of the protest movement, which has held the city until the outbreak of the Coronavirus eight months, with mass demonstrations and street battles in breath. Only the anarchists, protested China’s leadership, are the goals of the new law. Those with ideas about independence to do so. As a visitor with the lettering “Free Hong Kong” on the T-Shirt showed up, there were in the Yacht Club, is a scandal.

The dress code is now in Beijing, of cadres, do not know the people in the Hong Kong Clubs – and not to know: The admission fee for the most exclusive circles of the city is unknown, the inclusion is only by invitation. Members may recall that this had been given to a mainland Chinese.