In 1891, could have no football team on the balcony of the römer celebrate: The weren’t even there. The naked and bright facade of the town hall is one of the Details that can also some real Frankfurt astound, embarks on time travel.

by Eva-Maria Magel

culture editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

With the help of Virtual Reality (VR) and in the company of the coachman Benno visitors from the 20 can glasses. June space in a panoramic buildings take a carriage through the old Frankfurt drive – by the St. Paul’s Church, which looked different back then, on the Mainkai with a lively Goings-on at the warehouses and cargo ships on the river, the Gallus plant built without the theater, along the Imperial road, where a Sensation has been waiting for: electric light!

The international electro-technical exhibition of 1891, which was to change the whole station area, aim and focal point of a good 45 minutes long journey through time. The Munich-based company Time Ride, which already operates in Cologne, Dresden, Munich and Berlin, such a city of historical and time-travel Shows, I asked in Frankfurt passers-by, which era are most of them for the city on the interesting, reported Jonas Rothe, founder and managing Director of the company: With a slight lead, it was the 19. Century.

“As the Modern light

Good, turned on” find Rothe, 33 years old and a trained cultural Manager: From the cradle of democracy in the face of 1848 and annexation by Prussia in 1866, to the rapid technical progress had a lot to tell, for tourists but also for Locals. His experience at other locations: Often several generations of a family come into the conversation about the history of their home town. “As the Modern, switched on the light,” is the Slogan of the Edutainment programme, with specially composed music, such as in a Blockbuster and detail joyful decor. Have researched for four tenured historian of the company: In-house Berliner Straße 42 even the old facade is oblique to the street, installed to remind that the historical Frankfurt was by no means created straight.

“time travel companion,” in historical dresses, the groups run the load through a colonial goods, then in a Salon. Many objects, from kitchen utensils to books, date back to the 19th century. Century. Moreover, you may are the Corona conditions eased in the Load of cinnamon and cloves smell of the old fabrics to the touch, and licorice chew. Local actors with hessischem accent to tell the city’s history and memoirs of the businessman and Entrepreneurs, Theodor Riedel, born 1831 in Frankfurt. The character is invented, but from bits and pieces of a former life in a plausible constructed. The animated passers-by, and a companion to Riedel’s in the VR-projection, which forms the conclusion, are not designed to be so lifelike, as is usually the case with large VR film projects, is detrimental to the pleasure hardly. And in the end, it is possible to fly with Hollywood Pathos even in the future. So in our presence.