meat-entrepreneur Clemens Tönnies has rejected the allegations of the district of Gütersloh, in obtaining the residential addresses of employees, uncooperative have been. “We have data protection problems,” said Tönnies on Saturday at a press conference in Rheda-Wiedenbrück. According to the contract law, the company should not store the addresses of the relevant workers.

company spokesman André a lot of cities stated that the company had been asked to report all the address data of the employees in the contract to the authorities. “This request was immediately passed on to all service providers.” A part of the a lot of address data can be passed in this way, in the short term. Some of service privacy companies, however, concerns expressed and were not ready, without a written request to release the data. “After this written request, the authority existed, could be the outstanding addresses immediately to the authority.”

resignation-speculation rejected Tönnies. “I’m going to lead this company out of this crisis,” said the 64-Year-old and added: “And then we’ll see. I’m not from the dust.“

In the years since led to the dispute to Germany’s largest Slaughterhouse, Robert Tönnies had before, his uncle Clemens in a letter of 19. June asked, to make the way free. His son, Max Tönnies to take over the work of the Board of management. In addition, Robert a called for the convening of extraordinary shareholders ‘ meeting.

More than 1000 Tönnies employees tested positive

meanwhile. “The confidence we have in the company, Tönnies, is equal to Zero. I have to say so clearly,“ said the head of the crisis staff, Thomas Kuhlbusch.

After the Corona onset at the meat producer toennies, meanwhile 1029 employees positive to the Virus tested. This is the district administrator of the Kreis Gütersloh, Sven-Georg Adenauer, informed, on Saturday afternoon. A total of 3127 findings of the fittings. More than 6500 people work at the location in Rheda-Wiedenbrück. District Adenauer stressed at the same time, there is yet “no significant entry” of the Virus in the General population. The meat operation Tönnies in Rheda – Wiedenbrück is closed for 14 days. The have has the circle, as the head of the crisis staff, Thomas Kuhlbusch, announced on Saturday in Gütersloh, Germany

Kuhlbusch also reported that Tönnies had delivered up to Friday, lists of employees, in which 30 percent of the addresses were missing. In the case of inquiries to the company have been always hesitant. Employees of the district administration and the working environment were, therefore, in the night to Saturday in the case of Tönnies and had gained access to the personal data reported to the district administrator Adenauer. The company had “managed to yesterday at midnight”, the authorities in all of the residential addresses of the surrender in the case of Tönnies employees, he criticized. Since 01.30 p.m. this would be available now, finally.