Karstadt and Kaufhof are more than just two houses. Many people grew up with these two brands, there have only shirts and pants, but from the case about the engagement ring, the Teddy, the carnival costume, the stereo, or up to a porcelain service all the bought. Now that in many locations, branches disappear, is game especially for the employees and their families in mourning. But it is also a Signal for the changes due to new shopping habits in the inner cities to the full.

Who is now the Corona-advances crisis or just point the Finger at Amazon and the “new” competition in the Internet shows, the closure of four locations with over 450 employees in the Rhine-Main-declare area, makes it easy. Sure, a house is lucrative lead to not a simple task. But in Management it has been lacking over the years, the strategies were to develop houses so contemporary that they are against the global competition. In addition, some sites, such as the Karstadt Department store in Mainz were, for a long time in need of renovation.

Necessary and lucrative

of Course, the question is justified, whether on the Frankfurt Zeil, or in the Mainz City is really two stores of this size are necessary and lucrative to operate. In contrast, but the failure to miss the generations of well-established brands stand-alone Profiles is to take advantage of the decades of built-up edge in the market. Instead, investments in buildings and concepts have been systematically neglected.

in front of all the employees who have spent part of their whole professional lives there must Pay for it. Not to mention the hardly foreseeable knock-on effects. Because when large Department stores in shopping centers and inner cities closing, there are lost of magnets, for which the people come at all – and then also in smaller shops spend their money. In this respect, large, modern houses are beacons carrying a beam power, a whole city benefits – and conversely, the closed stores, the renovation and re-letting is taking time may be long, for the attractiveness of purchasing a load of miles.