Each time the best-selling authors, they deserve, and Eugen Drewermann, a proceeds according to the so-called end of utopias, the shape remained. Until far in the nineties, he has fascinated as the healer of Paderborn, Germany an international audience, its at least rhetorical Gift is to him none of the mercy of theologians who have testified against him, agreed, and in fact, seems to be all-devouring, eruptives and sogartiges Speak every Time as if from another world above us breaks down. And if Drewermann talks, not always an other-world Moment of “We don’t know how us is” in the process?

Christian Geyer Hindemith

editor in the features section.

F. A. Z.

It is this suggestive, the outer action into the Inner place out of the end of the speech, which stresses his prophetic gesture, appeals from the so-called reality out there to him to bounce off, Yes for trivial explain. The historical-critical method of biblical exegesis, he has been pounded to great effect as an anti-existential religion devastation to the price of the Transfer of a number of historical claims to Validity of the Christian to the Symbolic into it.

The hypnotic views, the tapeworm-like spell out his psycho-analytical mono-mania, as also in the last turn of thought, the turtleneck sweater as an accessory of perfect mental unity, all of this indicates that There is a man with his Self in the Pure, even if the (theological) world perishes.

In the Self-salvation, Self-salvation

Ever the Self: Self-salvation, Self-salvation is, in Itself the measure of all things is. This is the Drewermann-Axiom, the people are electrified, because it promises them relief from any strain On the other side of the political correctness. I alone am enough (an Echo of “God alone is enough” of Teresa of Avila), in me, in the deep layers of my Psyche, it is my to activate self-healing powers. This is the health teaching of the Religious, to drewermann. As a symbolic Texture God is a cipher for Me, a therapeutic resource that seeks to raise drewermann, where he finds them: in the case of Freud, the brothers Grimm, Kierkegaard, Saint-exupéry’s the little Prince, in the case of Gandhi, Buddha, Dostoyevsky, and in their Dreams since.

The Drewermann-TÜV-badge received such Traditions, which hold allegedly the tragedies of the people. Tragedies of fear and love torment, the Drewermann with bravourösem Pathos rolls out over hundreds of pages as an indictment of the existence. Prizes are awarded to the Traditions that stabilize the people in his life. Let him recognition and appreciation “now!” feel, by making him believe that it was deep inside, but well with him. Where the does not appear in the texts, will be read with deep psychological exegesis into it. Take and read, as it is good for you! But to whom it would have gone so well, as Drewermann presents it to his readers and listeners? So one’s own life, whether religious believers or not, always also as a falsification of the Drewermann-theses can be experienced.

Drewermann is a master of the multi-volume publishing. It started with the “structures of Evil” (three volumes), his habilitation thesis accepted thesis, followed by “psycho-analysis and moral theology” (three volumes), “depth psychology and exegesis” (two volumes), “The gospel of Luke” (two volumes), “capital and Christianity” (three volumes), in between books of a thousand pages, such as “In the beginning … : modern Cosmology and the question of God” (1287 pages) or “cleric. Psychogram of an Ideal“ (900 pages).