From a distance, remember drawings, the colorful chalk messages on the Asphalt of happy children. On closer Inspection, however, what is read on the floor is not funny and is not also safe from children’s hands. “He followed me and waited in the Parking lot”, is there, for example. Also an incident in the shower of a swimming pool, is reported. In addition, #stops harassment and a reference to the Instagram Account “catcallsofdarmstadt”. Under this tag now seems to be made in frequently visited Places in Darmstadt on sexual harassment of women in everyday life to your attention.

As the “Catcalls” are referred to according to the dictionary, among other things, harassment as übergriffige, sexualized comments from men who write to women on the street and in public space. Unique noises, poses and suggestive Gestures include, in addition to sayings about bust and buttocks to do this.

the “Catcalls”movement, which ensures, especially in social networks, attention has Begun in New York. Now it has arrived in Hessen. Also from Kassel actions are known. The colorful headings, in Darmstadt, among other things, close to the Jugenstilbad and at the Luisenplatz sighted, to demonstrate how prevalent sexual harassment is, where it occurs – and that a on the road afterwards called comment about the physique of a woman is not a compliment.

relative numbering, and incomprehension

it takes, apparently, is actually chalk messages, to show some of the comments on Facebook. In a Darmstadt, Germany-a group photo of the Catcall had been messages posted. Well 180 Times the entry has been commented on so far. Although most of the commentators are agreed that sexual harassment was a Problem, and contemptible. Some of the comments, however, witnesses of relative adjustments, and a lack of understanding.

writes of A man, for example, that sexual harassment takes place Vice versa as well. But “when women do it, is at once in order”, he closes his Post. A woman referred to the messages as Doodles and has provided us with a rage Smiley. Another raises the question of why your Sex “just to the police” go, if you are being harassed. On the street afterwards called comments or the “accidental” Touching of the buttocks in passing is hardly proof, explain your other comment writers. Nevertheless, the chalk messages in the eyes of a woman “bullshit”.

On demand at the police headquarters in the South of Hesse in Darmstadt, shows that there 2018 a total of 33 cases of sexual harassment have been displayed, a year later 37. Most of the incidents, namely, six per year, passed on the open road. Buses such as swimming pools also as crime scenes in the statistics. In Nightclubs in 2018, two nuisances were counted. Once a woman had been picked at the breast, whereupon a physical confrontation developed, according to police. Most of the acts occurred between 18 PM and midnight, spread over all days of the week.