the Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz expects that, despite the absence of the United Staatwen from the discussions about a digital tax with an international agreement. “In all negotiations, it always goes up and down, back and forth,” said Scholz of the “Stuttgarter Zeitung” and the “Stuttgarter Nachrichten” (Saturday). “The important thing is not to worry and keep at it. And that’s exactly what we do.“

The digital taxes, and especially large American technology to take on companies like Amazon or Google to target, pay with your business model, in the view of critics, to little in taxes in each of the markets. America was pulled out on Thursday at least temporarily from the negotiations at the level of the industrialized countries organization OECD. They ask that the international taxation is a total restructured – and threatened with retribution in the case of unilateral measures.

Scholz stressed that France and Spain have already introduced national regulations. “We all know that you should agree internationally on a common line, regardless of how the current Agenda of one or the other like just look.” With a view to the presidential election in America at the beginning of November, Scholz said, ultimately, international politics is not tied to election dates in each of the countries. “The issue is on the agenda of the negotiations in the framework of the OECD continue to run.”