After the Corona onset at the meat producer toennies must Wiedenbrück, all of the employees at the location in Rheda-in quarantine. The concern of the administration, the Management and the top management of the group, informed the district of Gütersloh.

Some employees can quarantine the information, but in so-called Work. This means that you may only move between work and place of residence. This is also true for Clemens Tönnies, Director of Germany’s largest Slaughterhouse Tönnies, as a group, the spokesman of the German press Agency said. Thus, the 64-Year-old on the penultimate round of the Bundesliga is not allowed into the stadium. Tönnies is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board at FC Schalke 04. The Gelsenkirchen to play on Saturday against VfL Wolfsburg.

Also on Saturday, the district of Gütersloh wants to inform in a press conference about the help of the armed forces, the series of testing the employees of Tönnies on Corona. Meanwhile, the crisis staff requested further support on how to the circle had on Friday night informed. 20 experts of the Bundeswehr is to support the district in the area of contact management. Here are the contacts of Infected to be tracked.