After the massive Corona outbreak in a slaughterhouse in the district of Gütersloh, Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD) is pushing for quick steps for the protection of workers in the meat industry. “We want to tighten controls further, even before the new law on work safety in the meat industry is there,” said hail to the “editorial network Germany” (Saturday). In this case, he was “in very productive discussions with the countries”.

The Minister of labour reiterated: “the prohibition of contracts for work and services in the core area of the meat industry on every case seriously, no matter what efforts lead billion-dollar companies in the way to torpedo this project.” Several ministries worked to make the prohibition law, sure. “In the summer, I will submit the draft law”, promised salvation.

the Federal Minister of economic Affairs, Peter Altmaier (CDU) called for consistent Action. The food supply is a high Good, said Altmaier, in the “Interview of the week” of the German radio station Deutschlandfunk. “And I want the confidence of food and meat ‘made in Germany’ remains.”

This means, “that we also ensure that Responsible parties are held accountable and that the grievances be turned off by hitting the appropriate changes,” said the Minister of economy. This applies not only to the contracts with Eastern European workers, but also for the accommodation and the working conditions in the field.

More than 800 workers

After several slaughterhouse establishments to Corona had developed Hotspots, had been decided by the Federal Cabinet in may on the key elements for tightening of the requirements for the meat industry. infected Provided, among other things, more frequent inspections of labor protection, higher fines, and conditions for the accommodation of foreign workers. Core a ban on contracts, so that firms cannot pass on the responsibility for the conditions of work and accommodation of workers no longer on subcontractors.