As the son, the father, After Novak Djokovic wrinkles recently with his behaviour and his Statements in the corona crisis to end in the tennis circus was now also the father of the world rank list first noticeable. Srdjan Djokovic took on a “family enemy” Roger Federer and attacked the 38-year-old Swiss in the Serbian talk show “Spo(r)tlight” publicly verbal.

“Why is he still with 40. Imagine, a 40-year-old man is still playing Tennis, if he could do that at home with so many other interesting things. But he can feel in his neck the breath of Nadal and Novak, can’t it just accept that you will overtake him“, said Djokovic Senior. As Federer’s Motivation and he has identified hostility toward Djokovic Junior.

father Djokovic told Federer, therefore, to leave as soon as possible, the place finally: “Come on, get your children, do something else, go skiing! Tennis is not the whole of life.“ Least Djokovic’s mother, Djokovic, Federer had referred to as “a bit arrogant”. The one-sided family feud but can not be played on the Court – Federer has ended his season due to a knee SURGERY already.