After the surprise coup against the title favourites, the MHP Riesen Ludwigsburg are aiming for the big Triumph. “We want to win this tournament, if we have the Chance,” said a proud coach John Patrick, the Team had to put in two quarter-final matches against FC Bayern. In the semi-finals, it is now in a duel with ratiopharm Ulm to reach the final at the tournament of the League.

The Ludwig burgers are full in self-confidence. “I believed from the beginning that we are the better team,” said Patrick, looking back on the encounter with the master of the past two years. His team even came back after a Twelve-point deficit again, so that a 73:74 defeat, thanks to the 87:83-handed victory in the first leg. “We were unusually motivated, but rather unusually motivated as a “too cool for school”,” Patrick said with a wink.

much less trouble had the final, the Ulm, with its quarter of a task. After the 101:61 in the first duel against the Fraport Skyliners of Frankfurt, 96:69 was run on Friday evening just for a look. “You have to highlight the fact that the team on both Ends of the field acts unselfishly,” said sports Director Thorsten Leibenath. “This ensures that you will have so much fun together.”