For this last weekend before the reopening of the theatres, The Figaro offers a selection of movies released this week online, on VOD or on the platforms of streaming.

read also : The Echo of Laurel Canyon, Artemis Fowl, Our Lady of the Nile… The movies of the week in ligneA see

La Llorona, thriller Jayro Bustamante, 1h37

La Llorona opens on the trial’s dramatic general Enrique Monteverde (Julio Diaz), accused of the genocide of Mayas during the civil war. Found guilty, he escapes conviction for an alleged defect of form, and finds himself holed up in his luxury residence, between the manifestations hostile to the people outside, and the family tensions inside. Immediately, the realism of the social and political situation is overwhelmed by a beyond mysterious. Whispers of prayer, the rumbling of the earthquakes. It’s like a lining of dark, deep, ageless, that stirs under the appearances of daily living. Between the political and the legendary, the film penetrates to the marrow of the injustice of the powerful, and the subconscious of a people.

> > Available on Channel VOD, Orange, Univers Ciné and FILMOTV from 4,99 €