The world is in a terrible state. In protected areas, such as the settlement of Jackson, Wyoming, and Joel (Troy Baker) and his brother Tommy (Jeffrey Pierce) life, is not of the remember always. There, people are still people. They work in greenhouses, go to the cafe, fall in love and play with the children, the pelting with snowballs. In front of the gates of the city, however, you can see what happens to people when everything for survival has become a struggle.

The America before the autumn of 2013, in the an uncontrollable fungal infection brought everyday life to a Standstill, know only the Older ones like Joel, should have even seen the films in a proper cinema. The Younger can guess such things are a quarter of a century to Patient zero, at the outside, if you the forests, villages, and cities through cross. In the Luggage of a mask, if the road must lead through ungelüftete the basement.

Even the gates of many of the quarantine areas established after the outbreak of the pandemic and the military have been secured, are such as to leave. A state no longer exists, only armed groups, like in civil war the lives of hard – and at the same time, the Infected in check, must keep that in desperation, hitting and biting.

The girl would have to die so others may live

the first part of The horror game “The Last of Us,” he said after a time leap from 2013 to 2033 from the last glimmer of hope: Joel, it would have had in Hand to provide the humanity with a vaccine. He had smuggled the fourteen-year-old Ellie (Ashley Johnson), was against the fungal immune, in accordance with the order across the States, until he must die would have on the target, a hospital in Salt Lake City, the realized consequence: The girl that others might live. Instead, Joel, whose daughter was shot by a soldier caused a bloodbath in the hospital.

to understand the unpleasant way it was. For part one, already legendary, had imagine in the first fifteen minutes, we played from the perspective of the daughter, with Joel, welded together by Who, and what this means should watch the Youtube Experiment “Elders play The Last of Us”. And also Ellie was Joel’s replacement daughter, grew us to the heart, because it was taxes, after the prologue with the two characters alternating to: Joel and Ellie.

The continuation of Joel’s decision, checks are now not easy. Quite the contrary: “The Last of Us Part II” problematizes the end of “The Last of Us-Part I.” The developer, from the same games in forge, the for the “Uncharted”adventure of the treasure hunter Nathan Drake is responsible, wanted to raise the issue in advance only in the abstract. The Gaming community is obsessed, a lot of Fans hate spoilers. Moreover, there was in April a Story to the Leak, the developers and Fans of hard-to-hit.

In an interview with this newspaper, the “Last of Us”Creator Neil druckmann revealed way after all, approach what it is: “What someone is willing to do to have a loved one justice to be? As with emotions, which turn easily into hatred? One can go for justice too far, and if you go too far, come back from there again?“ There are more universal issues that the game gets a reference to the present as a result of the pandemic-history, says pressure man. Those issues in the game in situations in which people react under pressure, he just keeps overlooking the world’s rampant political “tribalism” is relevant. After coping with some thirty hours of play, we have a glimpse of what he meant: “The Last of Us Part II” is of a world whose biggest Problem is not the disease.