When it comes to money we all know it is the friendship. The American government, which treated since Donald trump’s presidency, old enemies, very friendly and old friends unusually hostile, subordinating all to the campaign. Minister of Finance, Steven Mnuchin blows cooling a load-bearing pillar of the new world tax order. The corresponding letter bombs went tax to the governments of France, great Britain, Italy and Spain – all friends of the Digital.

Mnuchin has Pulverized so that the desired redistribution of taxation rights between countries of production and market States. 137 countries to negotiate longer-intensive in Paris, the German Federal Ministry of Finance with the mixes in the very front.

The old tax world provides a growing annoyance. Recognising that the subsidiaries and the operation of non-sites in the digital economy are not necessary, if corporations wish to earn home money.

Just another trade war

In Europe, America, the four giants are no longer in the focus of attention: Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon. You can see the huge profits they make on the old continent, without the local financial authorities to come to this with the conventional means. This is because the income will be taxed where the value added is – and this is just the other side of the Atlantic.

America wanted to negotiate a redistribution of taxation rights, but was very interested, for obvious reasons, the thing wider so that it would also have something like this. In any case, you want to accept that, in the result, the only other country to tax the American digital company best.