Facebook has taken a View of America’s President, Donald Trump of the platform, because it is a single of the Nazis in the concentration camps employed the Symbol had been used. The Posts would have contradicted rules against the dissemination of “organized hatred” in the social network, said a Facebook spokesman. The use of the Nazi Symbol, caused outrage. Twitter sided, meanwhile, once again, a Tweet from Trump with a warning.

In paid Posts had warned trump’s campaign team on Facebook in light of recent – and largely peaceful – protests in the United States prior to the “extreme left-wing Mobs”, the American cities destroyed. In a Version of the ad, which was directed against the left-wing “Antifa” was used in an inverted red triangle. So the Nazis in concentration camps of political prisoners marked. Such a Symbol of a “banned hate group” could not be without the necessary critical context used, said the Facebook spokesman.

outrage among Jewish groups

Jewish groups were outraged. Such a Symbol is the use of “political opponents to attack, is highly objectionable,” wrote the chief of the Anti-Defamation League, Jonathan Greenblatt. Trump’s campaign team had set the story apart. “Ignorance is no excuse,” he wrote on Twitter.

The use of Nazi symbols to be forgotten is “disgusting and history,” said the President of the conference of European rabbis (CER), Pinchas Goldschmidt. “The great danger is that such defamatory messages appear in the network as an accelerant for racists, anti-Semites, and other haters, and they incite even, at worst, acts of violence.” The Online services are obliged to the company to take measures to prevent hate crimes.

the International Auschwitz Committee condemned the use of the Symbol in the election campaign. “The political prisoners, branded with the red angle, were the SS guards in the Camps with murderous hatred and the will to boundless torture,” said Executive Vice-President Christoph Heubner. “The fact that this is a deadly reminder of the world of the concentration camps by the campaign team of Donald Trump in the American election campaign to sow hatred and to stigmatize the protesters, outraged by the former prisoners of the German concentration and extermination camp deeply.”

Trumps election campaign, wrote in a Tweet, it was an Emoji, which was also used by the Antifa. The Post had reported the “Washington Post” according to, on the side of trump and those of his Deputy, Mike Pence since Wednesday, approximately 1.5 million clicks.