Now, it has Michael Erhardt, also from Sweden, in writing to: The Sandvik group intends to close its toolmaking-operation Günther & co. in Frankfurt-Rödelheim. The company belongs to the Walter AG, one of the in turn to Sandvik. Walter-Board member for human resources, has highlighted three weeks ago: “at the end of March next year, deadline is here.” Although the works Council and the IG Metall Frankfurt, whose business leads Erhardt have made their own suggestions for the continued existence of the 1890, founded a tradition of operation. This includes the 210 employees counting company as a “smaller Frankfurt” to continue.

Thorsten Winter

business editor and Internet coordinator of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Also, the workers ‘ representatives have attacked the reasoning of the group of seven, as Erhardt explained. The planned closure was “economically nonsense,” said the trade unionist. Only The Swedes remain, in his words, previously hard.

“the Content of zero movement”

A Letter from the Union have answered Sandvik dismissive – “in a style that I think is impossible,” says the IG Metall Executive Director. Since he has already brought many labor disputes, and many disputes jobs experienced, must be male, the tone of the letter. Anyway, looks Erhardt “the content of zero movement”.

The employer’s contention, the Corona-crisis make the closure even more urgent. Günther & co. supplies Auto-, aircraft – and machine builders. The industries suffering heavily from the crisis, and have seen double-digit drops in sales. The Walter group is according to own data in Europe is still potential for growth, but especially good prospects in the Americas and Asia. In Germany, the company achieved a fifth of its sales, stemme but costs 75 percent of the product. Therefore, it may produce more in the future, where his current customers and future customers are.