The interior Ministers of the Federal government and the country in the fight against child abuse in addition to criminal law, a obligation of telecommunications companies to store connection data tightening. In the decision of the conference of interior Ministers, it is said that the perpetrators could not be identified on the Internet very often because of the currently de facto suspended system for minimum storage. Minimum retention periods for telecommunications companies in the fight against child pornography “essential”. “We can’t allow ourselves to be paralysed, blind and deaf,” said Boris Pistorius, lower Saxony’s interior Minister and speaker of the SPD-Minister, on Friday in Erfurt.

Helene Bubrowski

Political correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z. Twitter

For effective law enforcement investigators should be able to the possibilities of digitization benefits, said Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU). Like Pistorius, he avoided to speak of “data retention”, in SPD circles, the word is a fighting word. Federal Minister of family Affairs Franziska Giffey (SPD), had declared on Thursday evening in the ZDF, for the investigation of child abuse must now be considered “everything that is necessary and possible”, and be done. If the data retention to be one of you, must you, too.“ On Friday, your Ministry stated, however, that there are “large doubts about the constitutionality”. The SPD party chair Saskia esque wrote on Twitter, without occasion retention of data with the EU fundamental rights incompatible.

In June 2017, had declared the higher administrative court of Münster, the law that required telecommunications services to retain traffic data for a period of ten weeks, to be incompatible with EU law. The procedure is the European court of justice. There is currently no “legal framework,” said Pistorius. To the extent that the court allow a data storage, wool to bring you “quickly” on the way. The Minister of the interior to expand the possibility of pretrial detention in the case of severe child sexual abuse and abuse resulting in death.