it is Not without Pride called the Taunus municipality of Schmitten “the village of the nail forge”. This was experienced some time ago, in a different way. The crooked cottages, in which the ten-member families on a tight workshops lived, could not be cleared after the end of a hand-made nail making even quickly enough, and each a reminder of the humble past, until the late 19th century. Century, will be deleted. Agriculture was in the heights of over 400 meters, a little here, and only thanks to count Casimir Waldbott of bass home Initiative for the resumption of the (nail)forging to 1720, had the people in the remote Weiltal work.

Please note the due to the CORONAVIRUS recommended behavior.

From the seclusion of a escape arose in point. Since it was established in 1868 and the Taunus club, paved roads and infrastructure, discovered, originated the city-dwellers in a still largely unspoiled countryside with clean air, Inns, and accommodations. Today’s day-trippers day-trippers are usually. After all of the pages, you will find objectives, culminating in the Great Feldberg, and the horse’s head.


From the bus stop “the Church” in the center Schmittens it goes in the opposite branch at the end of Schiller road, and from this right to the soul Berger road. There you have to take the mark of the black point, which is a small plant that begins to Rise. Motorists are above it, so the public Parking area at the town hall (access via Fresenius and Park street) or on Sundays from the Central supermarket Parking lot. Without ceasing, we are scrambling between homes uphill – a shortening grass slip-observing – until we are gardens in the wild fruit, and then in the forest via the switchbacks going up directed. Only at the multi-armed junction White stone with shelter, you can take a breather. There, one moves to the right with the black Ring. To him, the leadership is the responsibility of a trail. After a good 1500 metres, the path divides. For a slightly shorter, less steep variant on the horse’s head can remain in the Ring; otherwise, left with several of the natural Park of characters, including a brown squirrel, and a green oak leaf. Accompany you home more of the rock-lined Passage high Book well a mile later on the right alone. The forest occurs in the unobstructed views of castle-crowned Altweilnau.

Before the 1987-created wooden tower increases on the horse’s head, the Outlook still opened and after 400 meters of paved road on the left into the meadows, a trip to the free in 540 meters in height opposite the village of Treisberg. It has two guest houses and an old timbered school-house. Back then straight on with the black X to the Parking lot at the edge of the forest, to the right and after 200 metres, turn left into the hillside and entered (saves you Treisberg, i.e. to the right).

Between sweeping young trees and has a steep winding path on the horse’s head. The summit of happiness, but only the 150 steps to the top of the Tower perfectly. Only, they overlooked the book green and opens the magnificent Panorama from the Large Feldberg on the Hoherodskopf up to the Dünsberg near Giessen.

The X then to the left, 500 metres down to a crossway with the direction of the pole, to where the black pointer is taken. Unless, the way back should be shorter; then the X remains applicable. With the pointer turn to the left to release the same to the right. In some of the dense forests, it leaves multiple forest roads, and later almost only via winding paths to the Weiltal.