The white American Senator Amy Klobuchar wants to apply for the available office of the Vice-President on the side of the designated presidential candidate Joe Biden. Instead, she advised the Democrats on Thursday in channel MSNBC to a black Vice-candidate.

The 60-year-old politician has called according to his own statement, Biden on Wednesday, to tell him that the election of a black woman would help as his partner in the race for the office of the American President to “heal this Nation”.

Klobuchar, himself a former presidential candidate for the election in 2020, said the protests after the brutal killing of George Floyd in your state of Minnesota, have helped her to recognize the need for greater diversity in the presidential contest. “After what I’ve seen in my state, what I have in the whole country, this is a historic Moment, and America must seize this Moment,” said Klobuchar on MSNBC.