It was intuitive, Insee confirmed in a study published this Friday* : social classes and the poorest people are also those that suffered most from the containment. During the health crisis, 30 % of the poor (that is to say, being in the 20% of the population with the lowest income) have seen their financial situation deteriorate. While it has not been the case for only 11% of the wealthiest owned 20 % of French people with the highest income).

read also : Covid-19: “containment was the only solution possible to limit the number of the dead”

similarly, 43 % of workers have experienced a situation that is likely to have reduced their earnings (partial unemployment, stoppage of work due to illness or child care, or non-renewal of contract). But only 34% of managers and intermediate occupations have been in this case, precise Insee.

not surprisingly, people of modest means have also much less practiced telework managers : this situation has affected 2 % of workers, 20 % of employees and 58 % of managers and intermediate occupations.

More painful for women

Among people with children, 35 % say they have had difficulties in ensuring the follow-up of the school. With, again, a correlation is very significant with the level of life : nearly half of the poorest have experienced difficulties to manage “school at home”, but only a quarter of the more affluent. In the end, when we ask the people to express how they have found the containment “painful” (between 0 and 10), 27 % say they have really bad experience of this period, giving a score at least equal to 7.

read also : Race against the clock to help the poorest countries

This rate rises to 37 % for the more modest, but drops to 17 % for the more affluent. The women expressed a “feeling of difficulty” slightly more marked than the men.

*Survey INSEE conducted by telephone from April 27 to may 16, with more than 1600 people over the age of 15.

The editorial team conseilleCoronavirus: “no excess of mortality” in may in France, according to the Insee138 commentairesmégaphone75le 19/06/2020 20:38

Normal their children could not benefit from the meal to 0 euros in the canteen when the others pay 6 euros. At least it allows you to highlight all the aids mega-buck they receive.

vincent36le 19/06/2020 20:12

I would Never have been able to think of a thing like that… ever. Arms me fall.

pagaupale 19/06/2020 20:07

As this is amazing !…
we Are made of these articles here…
Intern ?

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