A 62-year-old man from Kriftel, was found on Monday in the case of high home,dead, in the Main, seems to have become a victim of a violent crime. A police spokesman said on Friday, the Frankfurt murder in the Commission of a Homicide. The Frankfurt public Prosecutor’s office had initiated an appropriate investigation procedure.

According to current knowledge, is the corpse, which was discovered by an Angler unddiverse had external injuries,most likely between Kriftel and Lingen, in the amount of the city’s wastewater treatment Plant came to a Parking lot in the Main, informed continue to the police spokesman. There, the investigators were able to locate the eye-catching Moped of the victim.

The police is now looking for witnesses who can give evidence to the crime. Among other things, they want to know if someone on Sunday has made suspicious observations in and around the sewage treatment plant between Kriftel and sindlingen. The Moped, with the sixty-two year old was on the road, is for the investigator to be of greater interest.

the witnesses are asked, under the Rufnummer069 / 75551199zu report.