Among the 50 most important German economic editors, the journalists, the F. A. Z. the highest esteem. This is the result of a survey among nearly 200 PR professionals, which was given by the “business journalist” in order and in the current issue with all the Details published.

The F. A. Z. is also in the category of “national Newspapers” in the first place. The category “Newspapers regional” leads the daily mirror. In the case of a magazine “the General” is the “mirror” at the front, in the category “business magazines” for “Brand eins” just before the “economic week”. Steingarts Morning Briefing is the first in “Digital media”, the dpa in the case of “agencies” and the Germany radio in “TV/Radio”.

The survey by the specialist magazine for financial and economic journalists “economic journalist” is held annually. The “Börsen-Zeitung” that this Ranking had occurred, and the last three Times, slipped considerably this year. The economic editorial office of the “süddeutsche” made it to 2020, for the first time among the Top ten. Noteworthy is the development of the financial news Agency dpa-afx that works each year to be at the front and now with the süddeutsche seventh place is is.

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for the First time, the appreciation of the editors-in-chief, business leaders and correspondents of different media was collected. Here are the two F. A. are rated number one for employee, Gerald brown, Berger (F. A. Z.), who is also the editor, and Georg Meck (Frankfuter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung/F. A. S.), as well as Claus Döring (Börsen-Zeitung).

In an additional query has been queried, who reported on the Coronavirus. Here the work of F. A. has a rating of, for example, and dpa is the best. The two share first place in front of the home next F. A. S.