in the future CDU in the Bundestag Deputy Philipp Amthor completed an additional secondary activity for a large law firm. As the German magazine”der Spiegel” reported, can Amthor his work for the law firm White & Case to rest. He had not decided to take this step to make “politically vulnerable,” said Amthor magazine about his Bundestag office. Amthor had displayed the Bundestag administration, in the law firm as a”freelancer” and to have between 1000 and 3500 Euro per month.

The”mirror” reported, ihmvorliegende documents of the American company Augustus Intelligence suggested that there was a connection between that company and the firm. What exactly this connection is to exist, is unclear. The”mirror” gives him a”company presentation” of Augustus would be, in what the company is calling some of his”partners and consultants”. White & Case’s standing on this list, it means. In addition, the magazine quoted from an internal calendar. Accordingly, it should be at 22. March, 2019 appointment, the Tobias Heinrich has been organized, a Partner in the Frankfurt office of White & Case. As a participant in warneben Augustus-the founder of the company Wolfgang main Amthor provided. What role Amthor has been invited, is open.

the lobby-affair began a week ago with a report that Amthor is to have a lobby in his role as Deputy for Augustus when the Federal Ministry of Economics. He has held a Director post in the New York company and held in the meantime, stock options. In addition, he is supposed to have when traveling participated, and will explain since then, asked to, who paid for his travel expenses. Amthor rejected the accusation, to be purchasable. The commitment is a “mistake,” he wrote on Instagram.