Among the interior Ministers, there is now a woman, Sabine Sütterlin-Waack (CDU) in Schleswig-Holstein. However, the majority of the Ministers, who met for Wednesday evening in Erfurt, Germany to their semi-annual conference in Erfurt, the description, the in Berlin had elected Senator Andreas Geisel’s (SPD) a few days ago: “older white men”. Hostage had spoken in the “Cicero” about the critic of the Berlin anti-discrimination law, “mostly older white men”, you’re not going to be discriminated against also.

Helene Bubrowski

Political correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z. Twitter

The Anger of his counterpart on the new law of the red-red-green government in Berlin was already large, with this top-of-hostage-upped him. In Erfurt it came to a fierce exchange of blows. “All against one”, a CDU politician described the confrontation. Hostage has now promised to assure all in writing that police officers from other States have to fear in Berlin also, in the future, nothing.

The Berlin-based anti-discrimination law designed to facilitate citizens against discrimination by public violence. Are forbidden, therefore, a disadvantage, among other things, on the basis of sex, ethnic origin, racial ascription, of the Religion. To the extent that the Norm is repeated as a matter of course, which is also written in the basic law.

what is New, however, that the law to Victims of discrimination, granted a claim for damages, including Pain and suffering. The political dispute revolves mainly around the so-called Presumption rule: it breaks the principle that the citizen must fully prove to be one of the officials had been discriminated against. Rather, it is sufficient in Berlin in the future, to make facts credible which can make a discrimination “probably”. In this case, then the official must prove his innocence. In case of doubt, i.e., if a case cannot be to educate the officials a Problem.

“basically a madness”

From the point of view of the Minister of the interior, outside of Berlin, this scheme is “basically a madness”, as Horst Seehofer, the Federal Minister of the interior of the CSU, put it. It is not just the time-consuming documentation of all official acts, which is in operations in Berlin, so that a police officer can remove a charge. At least as important Seehofer and the country gentlemen is the effect of the law on the approximately 300,000 police officers in Germany.

a “completely wrong Signal to the stall every day, back for us,” said Saxony-Anhalt’s interior Minister Holger Stahlknecht (CDU). By the accusation of “latent racism” in the police, recently, the SPD Chairman, Saskia esque raised, angered large parts of the police already, and insecure. Now, officials fear, to be in operations in Berlin, with suits covered.