According to our today’s standards are not been many of those, which have been known for a long time and often disrespectfully as Altachtundsechziger, even particularly old. Rudi Dutschke, drawn from the assassination attempt, was allowed to live only 39 years, Fritz Teufel died at 67, Dieter Kunzelmann, after all, was 78 years old. Also among the less prominent representatives of the movement, some early, remained on the track, worn down from the fight against the institutions, drug experiments, and the increasingly desperate search for meaning. Therefore, it is not, of course, someone like Rainer Langhans, in fact, now 80.

Jörg Thomann

editor in the Department “life,” the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z. Twitter

on the Other hand, it is not quite so surprising, for the long-Hans this is possible. As one of the First he had turned away from the grueling political activism and a journey into the Interior commenced, and continues to today. Slowness was for him always a virtue; to be slow, he has taught by his words the dazzling butterfly Uschi Obermaier, after she had fluttered to him, in the municipality I. In this legendary Berlin-based self – help and Selbstquälgruppe the roles were clearly divided: Kunzelmann, the aggressive leader, the devil, the anarchic Clown, lang Hans, the gentle, and meditative brooder was. The women remained secondary, at least to the top of the Maier came on.

Self-Cuddle, he finds violent

The hate-filled “Is over”, the demonstrating students answered rang, had to act on Langerhans curious: He came from there. He was born in Oschersleben, near Magdeburg, Germany, in 1953, fled his family in the West. With mid-20’s, the former boarding school student and Midshipman of the Reserve has been deflowered, a disappointment in Love drove him in the commune.

The a were the Communards, as citizens of locust, the other as a pop star, and no one was so adored and envied as the broken psychology student Langhans. He had the most beautiful hair and the most beautiful woman. Erotic and at the same time, innocent German Revolutionaries have looked never as Langhans and obermaier on the shabby floor of the Kommune I, sitting down in Jeans, Topless.


left As the Pair of the municipality, the terms hardly less than treason as John Lennon by Yoko Ono promoted detachment from the Beatles, where the Beatles were, compared with the Communards, but then the more attractive society. Soon after Langhans and obermaier parted, as the sensual, and it attracted only the spiritual life. In the meantime, he wrote in 2008 in his autobiography, that he “even Cuddle as violent”.

model: Harem

gainful employment, like most people, you realize, has long operated on Hans, even after the sixty-Eight little time of a Film, Fassbinder worked as a book written mostly nobody bought it. What is not tragic, as the earthly possession in the Langhans’ existence is insignificant. By profession he was a seeker, was once written about him, you described him as a “Prophet of Schwabing,” or, especially nice, as a “friendly spirit of the air from a distant time”.

As such, he floats through Schwabing on an old bike, always dressed in White with outrageously full curls hair: Its Corporate Identity is important to him. He moved in 2011 to the jungle camp, was no self-denial, but it is consistent: There he saw “the germ cell of the community. An isolated, on psycho-dynamics-oriented Situation. Commune means that We need to live well with each other.“