two years ago, it looked like it could of life, Hans-Dieter Flick quite well without football. He gave the impression that it will pull him back into the Business after the commitment as a managing Director with TSG Hoffenheim after only eight months, had found a dissonant end: Finally more time for the children and grandchildren, that was also something.

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Christian Kamp

sports editor.

F. A. Z.

the 55-year-old Flick has now earned the title master trainer, after he has gained during the week, with FC Bayern München for the title, is a pretty amazing twist. A without brisk shipment and career awareness found himself suddenly on the most sought-after football-management posts in the country and has the same success. But the history of football and family-people, Hans-Dieter – called Hansi Flick is also an often under-appreciated.

This comes primarily from his time as an assistant of Joachim Löw, as the Flick seemed to be in the eyes of the General Public, especially for the hat and half the statements, while a blaze of glory for the chief were reserved. In fact, however, it took on the way to the world Cup Triumph in 2014, Flick and his eye for the Essential, to provide Loew and the football aestheticism with the necessary shot to the ground. With a Flick as a corrective to the warning signs of the looming fiasco of Russia 2018 would probably have been passed over without further notice.

Flick, in 1965 in Heidelberg, born, is not a man of theory, he is an innovative soccer practitioners. He has, from his time as a professional at Bayern from 1985 to 1990, a feeling for the currents in the cabin, and speaks the language of the player. In Munich, he took advantage of the trust of the almost forgotten world champion Thomas Müller and Jérôme Boateng to have you back in the sporty presence.

The old football wisdom, according to which the truth lay on the court, also applies to the Flick. On the Desk anyway, he was looking for you in vain, and left the jobs to get as a sporting Director at the German football Association from 2014 to 2017 and then as hope Heimer, managing Director of misunderstandings. That Bayern picked him up at the start of this season as an assistant of Niko Kovac’s back, proved to be as masterful grip.