In the dispute over the foreign-funded government organisations, the Hungarian government has conceded defeat before the European court of justice. The so-called NGO-law is in breach of EU law, stated the judges in Luxembourg on Thursday (case C-78/18).

The law was adopted in 2017 by the government majority of the national Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. It stipulates that NGOs receiving donations from abroad, from a certain threshold value in the case of the Hungarian authorities have to be registered. The information will be published online. In addition, the NGOs have to specify on your website and in other publications, you are a “foreign supported organization”.

critics say the law was tailored to the American Investor and major donor George Soros. Orbán leads for years, campaigns against the Hungarian-born Holocaust Survivor. In the process, he incited with anti-Semitic stereotypes.

in Order to fall under the NGO law, an organization with more than 7.2 million Forint (about EUR 20,500) in the year from abroad. In addition, you must specify at the time of registration, the number of donors whose support of 500,000 Forint (about 1500 euros) is not exceeded.

The EU Commission, which monitors in the community of States compliance with EU law, initiated because of the law proceedings against Hungary. As Budapest not relented, complained to the authority before the ECJ.