throughout the world, companies and scientists in consortia to deliver currently a research race to develop a vaccine against the Sars-CoV2-Virus. It 131 research are now projects all over the world, eleven vaccine candidates are already in the clinical Phase, are tested on human subjects. Normally, the development of a vaccine between the ages of ten and twenty years, take, because of the pandemic, it has been enormously accelerated. The rapid development was the goal of the German Federal Ministry of education (BMBF) with the funding amount of 750 million euros, for the since Friday of last week by the German company’s applications can be made. “To be able to in Germany and all over the world return to normal, is a vaccine essential building block,” said Federal Minister of education, Anja Karliczek (CDU) in Berlin on Thursday.

Heike Schmoll

Political correspondent in Berlin, responsible for the “formation of worlds”.

F. A. Z.

Specifically, the BMBF is to provide, with its millions in aid that shortly before the approval, so in the late Phase of clinical trials and on a voluntary basis, medical staff and other professional groups from the system the relevant fields in the study are included. It is also important to increase the production capacity, because if a vaccine proves to be viable in the future, it must be made not only for Germany but also for other countries in very high quantities. The vaccine production was previously outsourced to India and China, the local production capacities are so limited. “We must ensure that, in Germany, free vaccine capacity will be secured,” called Karliczek.

“contribution to the industrial sovereignty of Germany”

Regardless of the BMBF with EUR 230 million to the vaccine development within the framework of the international vaccine initiative “Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, – CEPI”. CEPI and the special program had complementary and the special programme was a national one alone, insured Karliczek. Because the Opposition in the German Bundestag, had been accused of a nation-limited Initiative.

in addition, there is the vaccine initiative of the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU), which has together reserved with European partners, with Italy, the Netherlands and France, in each of the vaccine developers now doses for the supply of the European population. Regardless of Federal Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) has invested on the state-owned development Bank KfW EUR 300 million in Federal funds in the tübingen-based Biotech company Curevac, 23 percent of the company’s shares. Altmaier sees the entry as a contribution to the “industrial sovereignty of Germany”, so it is important to keep Curevac here.