It’s a quarter after one in the night, as on the last day of October of last year, clouds of smoke coming from the basement of a Offenbacher multi-family house. Within a Minute, the yellow-white Smoke so dense that the underlying facade is barely visible. To 1.26 at the police arrives at the Richard-Wagner-Straße, the residents save to Free.

There are spooky scenes, the parties involved in the Process on Thursday in the district court of Darmstadt get to see. The images are from surveillance cameras the police, who had installed it to two suspected arsonists to come to the track. The managed to. Two young men seen on the Video, will have to answer for attempted murder in court.

residents in danger of their lives

brought to Because they work as members of the volunteer fire Department, Offenbach-Rumpenheim in the fighting of the heroes would want to highlight, you have according to the indictment, in the basement of the multi-family house with a barbecue lighter sparked a fire, and thus residents in danger to life brought. The Brand has only been discovered by chance, the municipal professional fire brigade-I just can still prevent the flame attacks on a ground-floor apartment.

The upper floor has a gehbehindertes couple lived, among other things, that his apartment could not leave without help. When used in the smoke-filled basement, a fire Department squad was in danger. Of the 43 in the house reported residents of four smoke suffered poisoning, a woman came to the clinic. Particularly frightening: In the house of the younger of the two accused lived together with his mother. She was lying in bed when her son gezündelt should have.

to confess To starting the process, the two young men, 21 and 22 years old, the fact. However, according to the court, more bad than good. The older defendant from his lawyer a statement to read out. Starting with allegations. The accused, distrust of the authorities, that’s why he don’t talk and also answer any questions. The reason: As he shortly after the fire, the police testified, they would not have him listen to the officials, correctly, Details not recorded, and in the follow-up issues confused, so that the impression was created that the accused would lie. Of the twenty-two year old was very disappointed by the experience, the defender.

“We wanted to definitely have the attack to be”

squad Apparently the young man has not understood the seriousness of the situation, although he makes towards the end of his statement from his lawyer read out, the “it” to him leidtue. You have chosen the house of the mother of his friend because there smoke detectors in the stairwell hung and the cellar with fire-protection doors have been secured. Thus, no one can come to harm. The fire was become so violent, because the fire Department had smashed in the basement window. By the supply of fresh air, Embers were ignited. In addition, it could have been the defendants of the house quickly to the fire station to create, “because we wanted to be in the attack squad in the process,” – said in the statement. The only way they have to do as a hero. The have not worked, because of the attack squad had been complete. “Although we have to hurry so.” The co-defendant agrees with the words of his friend. However, he did not expect, “that it is so blatant”. Otherwise, he responds to questions with sentences such as: “I can’t say anything” or “I don’t remember”.