The murder case, Lübcke and potential authorities, a breakdown in the Hessian Parliament a Committee of inquiry. The opposition factions of the SPD, FDP and the Left, presented on Thursday in Wiesbaden, Germany, their joint application is expected to be adopted in the plenary session next week. The government fractions of the CDU and the Greens said they want the request to agree to. A first inaugural meeting of the U Committee, it could give according to the wishes of the applicant before the summer break.

The Kassel government President Walter Lübcke had been killed in June 2019 on the terrace of his house with a shot to the head. The attorney General is in the case of the murder of a right-wing Background. In connection with the investigation, there had been repeated criticism of the security authorities. The focus is no longer that of the alleged main perpetrators, the German Stephan E., was as a right-wing extremist on the record, but at the time of the murder under special observation by the constitutional protection.

right-wing extremists

The 46-year-old E. accused since Tuesday for the murder before the higher regional court of Frankfurt, the co-defendants, Markus H. is accused of accessory to murder. The 44-year-old Suspect is also considered to be a right-wing extremist known and is also regarded as the “cooled”. Entries about specific individuals when the protection of the Constitution must be reviewed after the expiry of statutory time-limits and deleted, so that a radical past, clings to people forever.

“A man who since his youth again and again as the violent right extremist, has become delinquent and has been referred to in the records of the land office for the protection of the Constitution as a “fire hazard”, is not the night to be a harmless citizen,” said the Parliamentary Secretary of the SPD parliamentary group, Günter Rudolph. The security authorities would not have it understood clearly, what is the risk of potential extreme-right perpetrators of violence in itself.

The FDP inner politician Stefan Müller said that in the case of the Committee of inquiry is Essentially a question of possible errors of constitutional protection and the investigative authorities to clarify, “in particular, why Stephan E. is out of the focus of the constitutional protection”. The goal must be to improve processes and structures to continue in the future, such situations can be ruled out.

Personnel action required explained

The interior policy spokesperson of the left faction, Hermann Schaus,, notes on right-wing activities of Stephan E., and Markus H. has been ignored after 2009 are from the authorities, “or in the wrong lane”. In addition, the files had been locked and the former NSU-Committee of inquiry not passed. “Both neo-Nazis were able to arm themselves from, at the latest, 2014 – in the case of Markus H. even in the Knowledge of the authorities”, said Schaus. “From the perspective of the Left, so we need to finally far-reaching structural, but also the human consequences.”