An indictment is not a conviction. However, one must not assume that the attorney General does a great allegation which relates to a Russian citizen and the Russian government. Moscow should have given the order to murder of a Georgian in Berlin, which it accused of being a Terrorist have been. Also, the Federal government is not doubted, apparently, that it was a politically motivated Contract killing.

Then this attack would not be in Public, another example that the Kremlin is afraid to liquidate unpopular persons on foreign territory””. With such deeds as Moscow demonstrates its enemies is how far his Arm reaches. This is also a message to the States, on whose territory is killed. It reads: We don’t fear your reaction.

After the poison attack on the double agent Skripal in the UK, almost thirty States had more than 140 Russian diplomats reported. This did not stop Moscow but, apparently, to give another kill order, this Time with a destination in Germany. So far had to rely, therefore, only two Russian diplomats in Berlin. The German policy is not known in relation to Moscow to overreact. Only five years after the massive Hacker attack on the German Parliament, the Bundestag, the Chancellor accused the Kremlin of a “strategy of hybrid warfare”.

The “other measures” that the Federal government reserves foreign Minister Maas according to the Tiergarten-murder “expressly” should not have to wait long. Because Ducking would be equivalent to the issuance of a free letter for aggressions of all kinds. Putin’s taking advantage of the disunity and indecisiveness of the West, where and how he can. But we do not need Moscow to end the wars in the Ukraine, in Syria and Libya, as it is so often? Moscow has no interest in a lasting settlement of this crisis. Its Power in international politics arises not from the ability to engage in Constructive, but from the willingness to destruction. From this General line, it does not bring the Kremlin with a policy of Appeasement.